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Afrociberactivismos – Round Table with Ngoy R. Ngoma (AfroDiccionario), Odome Agone (U Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar), Julia Borst (U Bremen)


In this round table, Odome Angone, Julia Borst and the coordinator of AfroDiccionario, Ngoy R. Ngoma, talk about Afrociberactivisms in Spain and the project AfroDiccionario, whose main objective is to combat racial discrimination manifested through language, as a consequence of the historical and cultural heritage of the Spanish language. It was part of the ‘Jornadas Afroeurope@s: veinte años decolonizand el conocimiento’, which took place from 1 to 4 October at the University of León, Spain.

The round table was part of the “Jornadas Afroeurope@s: veinte años decolonizand el conocimiento”, which took place at U Léon, Spain. Read an article of the local newspaper Diario de León here.